Forcipiger longirostris

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Forcipiger longirostris

Maintenance :
Compatibilité aquarium récifal :
Taille adulte moyenne :
20 / 7.9
Taille minimale de l’aquarium :
300 to 500 litres
Relations interspécifiques, ne pas maintenir en présence de :
agressive fish (stress) and other yellow butterflies (potential competition)
Dimorphisme sexuel :
Zone de vie dans l’aquarium :
Middle of the decor
Conseils de nos experts :
The aquarium capable of receiving a longirostris merge will have a minimal volume of 300 liters, and will have to be relatively mature, well established and stable, because the longirostris meseman, even if it is rather robust once well acclimatized, remains a delicate fish during the first months of his captive life. Subject to stress, he can quickly delete and/or develop an acute episode of Cryptocaryon if the maintenance conditions are not adapted to his well-being. Cohabitations will be avoided with aggressive or too lively fish (avoid the introduction in aquarium Fish only with predators), or in an already overcrowded aquarium. Forcipiger Longirostris needs to swim freely in the water column and around the decor without feeling threatened by territorial inclinations of other fish.

Once well established and at ease, a longirostris runs peacefully the decor. On the natural reef, he eats continuously, too, in aquarium, he will appreciate frequent distributions of food. Ideally, it will therefore be provided at least two to three times a day with very small meat food: we will favor thawed foods such as lobster or fish eggs, small artemias correctly enriched to be very nutritious; Very finely crushed mussels and shells are also possible. The mouth of PepiPiger Longirostris is very small, you must ensure that the prey is of suitable size.

If it is well nourished, a longirostris mismanagement will most often remain indifferent to most coral species and other invertebrates with which it shares the aquarium, except the tubicoles and sabelles, and the microfauna. Some individuals, most often because they are insufficiently nourished, or with low -quality foods, too poor in significant nutrients (especially in fatty acids and quality proteins) will start to tickle hard corals more or less frequently. These invertebrates are not part of the DepiPiger Longirostris diet in the wild, but the fish falls back on any source of protein available if it is not satisfied with its pittance.
Be sure to feed this fish properly, and always have in mind that it can potentially touch the invertebrates of the tank. As nothing is ever 100% guaranteed with this family, if you accept the idea of ​​possibly losing some invertebrates to have in return the joy of seeing this magnificent fish evolve in your aquarium, you are ready to welcome it. If sessile invertebrates are the apple of your eyes, resist the temptation to welcome it.

His average life expectancy is 10 - 15 years
Paramètre physico chimique de l’eau :
Temperature 24-27 ° C, salinity 1.022-1.024, pH 8.0-8.4, KH 6-10, mg 1200-1400, CA 400-480, No3> 10, PO4> 0.05


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