Coris gaimard

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Coris gaimard

Maintenance :
Compatibilité aquarium récifal :
Taille adulte moyenne :
25 cm / 10 in
Taille minimale de l’aquarium :
>1000 litres
Relations intraspécifiques :
Dimorphisme sexuel du mâle :
Blue / green body with an orange / yellow vertical bar on the front third. Pole
Dimorphisme sexuel de la femelle :
Brown body punctuated with fine blue dots, yellow tail and orange head
Zone de vie dans l’aquarium :
Full water
Mise en garde :
Shrimp and/or mollusc predator
Conseils de nos experts :
Please note, this fish is a decor mover, your rocks must be solidly consolidated to each other to avoid landslides. Reclus the sand considerably, which can incorporate corals.
Feeds into the nature of crustaceans, echinoderms and molluscs, therefore not very compatible with small detrivores.
All Coris are fish rather suitable for "fish only" aquarium more than reef, and large volume (above 1000 liters), so as not to inconvenience cohabitants with their rather remuneration and dynamic customs. They are however peaceful with fish of similar or larger size.
Paramètre physico chimique de l’eau :
Temperature 24-27 ° C, salinity 1.022-1.024, pH 8.0-8.4, KH 6-10, mg 1200-1400, CA 400-480, No3> 10, PO4> 0.05
Régime alimentaire :
Origine géographique :
Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Pacific central


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